Legal Stuff

You all know that there has to be some legal song-and-dance on anything these days, so here it goes!

TMT Advisor, Things Past and Things to Come, and TechsRay are trademarks of CIMI Corporation. All content on this site is Copyright © CIMI Corporation, Voorhees, NJ USA. All Rights Reserved. Anyone is free to quote up to a paragraph from a podcast or text on the site, providing that they have a right to access it and for which they cite TMT Advisor as the source. Note that linking to the specific posting will work only if it’s tagged as “Free for All”.

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Readers are free to share links to posts that are tagged as Free for All. Subscribers or registered readers may not share other post categories, except within their own company if they have a company license for the material.

These posts will often mention the stock market and stock market events. They are not intended to offer investment advice, solicit the purchase or sale of securities or bonds, or otherwise influence anyone’s investment strategy. They represent only the views of Tom Nolle, president of CIMI Corporation, and it is each reader’s decision whether to take any action on them, which they do at their own risk.