With Regret….

Since late last year, I’ve been exploring the idea of using audio or audio/video podcasts as a way of delivering another layer of material on the state of networking, IT, and the cloud. I was candid in saying that in order for this to be practical for me, I’d have to see a path to monetizing it.

While there have been many users who have followed these experiments, and some who participated in real-time Mastodon chats on the podcasts, I’ve not seen the kind of growth in the base of users that would be required to offer any realistic chance of making the time required to create podcasts pay.

With regret, I’m therefore suspending the experiments on podcasting, effective immediately. The site will remain active, but I won’t be posting further unless I identify a way to serve both the audience and my own time-into-money requirements. I thank all those who have supported the efforts.

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